Nanowrimo: The Place Is the Thing

NaNoWriMo Hoodies Are Heaven
Originally uploaded by smittenkittenorig

So I'm freezing & wearing my NaNoWriMo hoodie this morning & wondering about my story this year. I've been spending time with my characters and getting ever more clear about who they are & how they can be. I'm totally excited and can't wait to get started on this story.

My setting is the Pennsylvania mountains during autumn and winter & I can only surmise that it's in part because I've been missing those very things of late. The hubs has never been to the mountains (apparently a common thing for beach kids of Delaware), so later this month we're heading up for a quick jaunt. Yay! I can't wait. I plan on reacquainting myself with the feel of the place. I can almost see the heights and feel the brisk air on a nighttime walk. I plan on bringing back apples, plenty of foliage pics & more inspiration than I know what to do with.

What are you doing to set your location for Nanowrimo or what places inspire you to write?

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