TV: What I Thought About Last Week & What I'm About This Week

Durham County (Mondays @ 10PM, Ion) aired last night & let me just say right now, Ray Prager is frakkin scary. Wholly & shockingly. I find that I have moments where I want to look away from Durham County but simply cannot. Yes, it's that good & addictive. The sub stories going on have pulled me in as well. Especially Det. Sweeney's daughter, Sadie . The entire cast is doing a phenom job & they've got me wanting more. When you have a moment where you need to remind yourself that the pang of empathy you're feeling is being spent on a malicious, womanizing serial killer, who's not even decent to his son & so stunningly narcissistic he can't get out of his own way, it's a darned fine story. I've no idea how many more bodies turn up in this season, but I'm in on this story no matter how much more gruesome the telling.

Sons of Anarchy (Tuesday @ 10PM, FX) is amazingly still off the chain. I'm waiting for Gemma to go off and kill Zobelle & his guys any minute because she is on the edge. I'm hoping she does something soon because if she doesn't mete out her revenge she may just go batsh*t & clean house at SAMCRO before too much longer. And I think Tig knows something's up. I'm worried about Opie and especially about his and Jax's relationship. I want nothing to interfere with the bromance. Tara is still a roxstar & I'm loving watching her find her way in her own way. Finally, when the heck is Prospect going to get in? ;)

Melrose Place (Tuesday @ 9PM, CW) I'm still watching for Ella & adore her. I still hate Riley, especially after last week's lip lock with Auggie (but their chemistry even got me! Whoa!). Drank too much... whatevs, Riley. Whatevs. <_< Jonah needs to cut this chick loose ASAP & make my Ella/Jonah ship a reality on screen. I still haven't a reason to care about Mini-Mancini (David) though Syd's daughter, Violet upped herself a notch with her skulking & lurking. Chick's creeping me out now. Lauren had kind of a blah last week, so hopefully she'll be dialed back in on interesting this week.

Vampire Diaries (Thursday @ 8PM, CW) is still pulling me in. The relationship between Stefan & Damon was dialed up a bit last week & the brochem is scary good. Elena is getting more interesting & just a little bit more bad*ss. Bonnie is vying to be my favorite secondary character. And the Elena/Bonnie relationship is almost as compelling to watch as the Damon/Stefan. I'm loving it! Sadly, I'm still a bit nonplussed with the Jeremy/Vicki/Tyler situation and if not for the fact that I like Vicki it would seriously be the storyline that got my "WhyTF should I care?!" award. It's not a slam on the actors, the storyline itself is just lacking for me & possibly is too laden down with teen angst for me to give a crap. I'm hoping that part improves because the rest of the show is very well done. And I'm waiting for the Stefan/Matt bromance to happen. I think I see the signs that it's coming along. Stefan needs another dude to hang with & he won't hang with Damon, so let the boy bonding begin!

Flash Forward (Thursday & Friday @ 8PM, ABC) is pretty good. Their time conflicted with Vampire Diaries on Thursday, so I had to catch it on Friday & I don't feel my hour was wasted. There's a lot of good, some highly reminiscent of Lost & a little cheese. Like I said, not an hour wasted. I won't spoil much from last week's ep but here's an example of each. The good: the performances & the setting. The reminiscent: the flash forward (albeit from the audience perspective), the Oceanic billboard, Lost alum actors, the hint of the ever-present yet seamless corporation Red Panda (oddly enough, using the same color scheme as Oceanic O_O) & the inexplicable but well lit & hinting at prescient visions (Jack saw Christian, our new hero saw a kanga & I'm hoping we're not going to have to add Australia to this list any time soon). The cheese: some of the CGI. Honestly, I'm not going to knock them on this one though. I still cringe at the sight of Lost's smoke monster & suffer from bouts of severely underwhelmed. I'll be tuning in again this week to see what's next for our... what shall we call them? Flashed? Forwards? Flasfoed? Just hasn't the same ring as Losties or Lostaways has it?

That's all for now & rest assured that I'll be watching & tweeting as I do.

Besos! xoxo

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