Just Finished Reading: Delirium

DeliriumDelirium by Lauren Oliver

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Thoroughly enjoyable! The characters were engaging & the world-building so well done, that I believed it. All of it. The epigraph device was sheer brilliance & added so much texture to the story.

Lena was a very good lead & she had a clear voice that was sustained throughout. I loved Hana & when she was missing for long stretches, I missed her. Alex was very well done & was written in such a way that he didn't seem to just be in the story because Lena needed a love interest (honestly, Alex made me cheer for the romance aspect of the story. He was that worthwhile a character & I was pleasantly surprised). Grace was adorable & I smiled often reading about her. I even felt empathy for Carol & Rachel, who've had this thing done to them & are in a sort of zombified state. I am seriously pulling for Lena's mother to turn up in the next installment & thought that though absent, she was a striking part of the story.

I was so caught up in the emotion of it all that I found myself chanting "Come on, Lena! Save yourself!" when we near the end of the story. It goes without saying that I'll be reading the next in the series. Even if the preview didn't come with the edition I have, the story was so engaging & unputdownable, I have to know what's coming next.

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