Murder at Cold Creek College by Christa Nardi
My rating: 3 stars 🌟🌟🌟
This wasn't bad but it took me quite a bit to get through it.
I admit to choosing this during a very busy week and that may have affected my feelings here. I felt like this was a bit slower than it needed to be and there was far more telling than showing. So much, in fact, that the characters mostly came off as flat and indistinguishable. It felt the only character the author was interested in giving any real characterization to was Brett, the detective, love interest to the main character, Sheridan. I wasn't amused & it really blunted my engagement with the story. The investigation of the murder was done well enough and I liked that but it still felt a bit secondary to other things. I'll read the next in the series (I already have it because, Kindle Unlimited).
My rating: 3 stars 🌟🌟🌟
This wasn't bad but it took me quite a bit to get through it.
I admit to choosing this during a very busy week and that may have affected my feelings here. I felt like this was a bit slower than it needed to be and there was far more telling than showing. So much, in fact, that the characters mostly came off as flat and indistinguishable. It felt the only character the author was interested in giving any real characterization to was Brett, the detective, love interest to the main character, Sheridan. I wasn't amused & it really blunted my engagement with the story. The investigation of the murder was done well enough and I liked that but it still felt a bit secondary to other things. I'll read the next in the series (I already have it because, Kindle Unlimited).
Summary: Sheridan Hendley is a professor and psychologist, not a sleuth. When her colleague at Cold Creek College, Adam Millberg, is murdered, she is charged with helping the Detective assigned to the case. Immediately, her good friend becomes the prime suspect and Sheridan is motivated to help solve the case and prove Kim isn’t guilty. It also becomes apparent that Sheridan is attracted to the handsome Detective. As Sheridan tries to implement the crisis plan on campus and connect all the people in Adam’s life, she finds out that many women have a motive for Adam’s murder. Slashed tires are the first indication that Sheridan’s involvement is obviously making someone nervous.
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