It's August & The List Is Out!

AINSLEY- Men's/ Unisex Pure Wool Scarf In Berry Love & Chocolate
Originally uploaded by smittenkittenorig

Every August there are items that come out of my online shops & head for the real world. It's that time again. In the past, customers have found it helpful for me to give them a heads up (especially those who don't happen to live near the scarves destination). So without further ado, here is The List:

Ainsley, Andre, Beau, Blake, Blaise, Chaos Theory 3, Emma, Hale, Jude, Kai, Leto, Lisa, Maddox (Pine & Penny), Torey, Worthy

Also they'll be featured on my blog & in my shop for the month of August. Today, I'll feature Ainsley.

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