Éireann Go Brách! Slàinte

I've made the corned beef & cabbage, the colcannon & the soda bread, but I'm not drinking the Guinness!

It's really not my fault. I've come by my Irish through marriage & the contributions of the fine counties of Cork, Tyrone & Donegal. But I completely throw myself into the celebrations & traditions that my emerald eyed guy holds dear... though the sound of the Gaelic had to grow on me. ;)

So here's hoping all your Guinness pints are pulled proper today complete with shamrock. I wish you all Gra Dilseacht Cairdeas (love, loyalty & friendship) today & everyday! Go get your Irish on!



  1. Happy St. Pats! I'll be watching the midday parade from my office window in downtown St. Paul. The Minnesotans LOVE this holiday.

  2. Here's to Gaelic and Spanish in one post!

  3. I tell you, the Guinness isn't too bad, once you get a taste for it..
    Happy St. Patrick's Day!

  4. Mmmm..corned beef and cabbage...yum! Happy St. Patrick's Day!

  5. I don't do the Guinness part myself, but I LOVE corned beef. There should be more excuses to make that.
