Details, Details! Things To Do, Things To Get Done!

Last night I had one of those moments of clarity that shocked me out of the calm blue cloud I was drifting on. It dawned on me that I'm days away from August & I don't feel like I've the amount of inventory I wanted to have for the upcoming season by now. Yikes!

I've pulled out all the Evie hoods I've completed to decide what's going out to consignment & what I'm retaining for my various online venues. I still have Samantha infinity scarves to make in black & gray & I'm contemplating expanding that line with regard to colors. And I've a mountain of yarn full of skeins giving me the Use Me Next! pitch.

That's all for now. I've got to get on. There's a white cashmere scarf that's expecting me to have it finished by noon. ;)


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