My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This was a hot one, plain & simple. I probably was predisposed to like this as I adore historical fiction. Add in some extremely well done erotica & there's no way it could miss with me. I didn't have any particular expectations going into this book. I've never read anything by the author but the summary looked interesting & the price for a bundle of three on Kindle seemed like a reasonable enough gamble for me to take a chance. Having only read Simply Sexual (I really wish it had a better title, as I fell in love with the characters & the story was about so much more than that), I already feel that I've received my money's worth.
Valentin & Sara really bring the sexy & made me feel that I want my own little red book to share with my husband. Fabulous. I've read a few books that have been more considered erotica than romance & I have often been put off by the characterizations of the mains because they just don't engage me & then consequently, I don't care a whit about the sex they're having. Not so, with Sara/Valentin! I was truly invested in these characters & found them to be written in a well rounded & believable way. I bought both of them as individuals & as a couple & that made me love the story all the more. It took me longer to appreciate Peter but I think I just needed Valentin off the main stage for a bit to truly appreciate Peter (Valentin is a bit eclipsing) & I very much liked his friendship with Sara. He was very helpful & supportive of her relationship with Valentin & was a good friend to Valentin to tell him when he was being a stubborn idiot where Sara was concerned.
The B-story of who is trying to sabotage Valentin & Peter's business was a good backdrop that threaded through the story well. It's conclusion was not one I anticipated & I was glad to be surprised.
I was sad to get to the end with the characters. I'd love to spend more time with Sara/Valentin. I will definitely be reading the rest of this series.
FYI: As this is erotica there's quite a lot of pretty explicit sex. It was well done & not crude but this is not one of those novels that alludes to things, it's descriptive. Also, there's a little menage situation between the mains near the end. I'd never read one of those before, but I thought this was well done also. It seemed to fit with what was going on in the story & with the characters. A little part of me wanted Peter to go away & leave Sara/Valentin to it but I totally understand why he had to be there & it made for a more believable story than my fangirl longings.
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