Review: Imperial Scandal

Imperial Scandal
Imperial Scandal by Teresa Grant

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Rannoch's are back with a bit of mystery & romance in this fifth installment to the series. I liked this one as quite a lot. And unlike the last book, I did not have the culprit figured out this time, so it was even more fun to follow through to the reveal. As historical mysteries go, I have to say that what I've read is very good. Also, there's a healthy dose of society glitter to sate that particular penchant I have for gowns, balls, gossip & courtish intrigue. I probably will continue with the series but I probably will not be going to the beginning of the series straight away because I have other things in my to be read pile. That's no slight to Ms. Grant & only my need to mix it up as I read.

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